SOLID 2020 and beyond

One of my favourite set of principles as a developer has always been the SOILD principles. I believe they promote well thought out code, and that if you aim for those principles, no matter where you end up, it's usually a pleasant place.

I wanted to take a look at how SOLID fits in the 2020 landscape of cloud, serverless, containers etc and see if the lessons these principles teach us are still relevant in today's world.

I would argue that these principles are as relevant today as they've always been. The benefits of employing the Single Responsibility Principle in Lambda API endpoints on AWS, for example, are the same as in classes or objects.

In my experience, the simpler the code, the easier it is reason with, deploy and ultimately, maintain. That’s not to say that you should beat yourself up if you find your objects/classes don't meet the SOLID principles exactly, they're principles to aspire to, not a blood oath. Question whether what you're building is appropriate, if it is, note down why you've made the choices you have and move on.

What are your thoughts on the relevance of SOLID?

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