
Showing posts from January, 2020

Managing Technical Debt

Technical debt is a necessary evil in your day to day role as a software developer but it's not always this big bad mountain of work ready to bite you in the ass that it may seem (though the name conjures up a very negative image). Debt is like fire I once heard someone describe financial debt as similar to fire, a very useful tool but if you're not careful, you can get burned. I like to think of technical debt in the same way. You can get a huge boost in your project by temporarily putting aside stringent practises such as TDD or SOLID and just getting s**t done. Agile I think technical debt is a brilliant tool when combined with agile. You can get a quick boost in your sprint, get a prototype out, get feedback (yay or nay), if it's a nay, no loss just delete it and move on. If it's a yay consider, do I pay this back now or do I note it down (like an companies financial statement) and plan to pay it off later. DON'T PANIC Technical debt is nothi

Is .NET dead? Should it be?

I've been a .NET developer for most of my career, I've slowly branched out into other areas, front end mostly, e.g. AngularJS then Angular, React JS, Node JS, MongoDB etc etc, can you see a theme here? I've always come back to .NET because I love C# as a language and Visual Studio and ReSharper are my crack comfort blanket. I love that .NET Core has finally brought .NET to Linux, but is it too little too late? I can't deny the impact JavaScript and functional programming has had on me, especially over the last couple of years. It's so quick to get an API up on Azure or AWS using JavaScript, it's almost a joke how fast it is now and you don't need to know anything about infrastructure, it just works TM . I've tried to get along with the .NET equivalent for a while, but it just doesn't feel right. C# wasn't really built for functional programming so it's always felt like an add on, because it is. Then there's F# … I don't know if