
Showing posts from August, 2019

React Hooks - I'm 'Hooked'

For those that know me you'll know, I'm a long time AngularJS fan. I really liked the original AngularJS framework, it just seemed to make sense to me. Out of the world of JQuery and JQuery mobile, came a fresh simple (ish) framework that was like nothing else that existed at the time. The internet, especially JS frameworks, has changed a lot since the initial release of Angular JS (it was re;eased in 2010, can you believe it?!). Recently I've been writing a lot of React, migrating a legacy site and using small react components to gracefully manage the migration. There's a lot to like but for the more complicated interfaces, it can get quite messy. Plus there's no "right" way to do react, at least not strongly enforced by the React framework and this leads to a similar issue the original Angular js framework had, different development styles everywhere.  The best experience I've had working with React was when it was kept simple, but class base